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Kayaking is a fantastic way to explore the beautiful Indian River Lagoon, offering stunning views and close encounters with nature. At Brady Yaks, your one-stop destination for kayak and paddleboard tours and rentals in Cocoa Beach we prioritize your safety and enjoyment. Here are some essential kayaking safety tips to ensure a memorable and secure adventure on the water.


1. Wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD)

One of the most important safety measures you can take while kayaking is to wear a personal flotation device (PFD). A PFD, commonly known as a life jacket, is crucial for staying afloat in case of an accident or if you unexpectedly fall into the water. Make sure your PFD fits properly and is approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. At Brady Yaks, we provide high-quality PFDs to all our guests to ensure their safety.

2. Check the Weather Forecast

Before heading out on your kayak tour, always check the weather forecast. Weather conditions can change rapidly, and it’s essential to be prepared for any situation. Avoid kayak tours during storms, high winds, or when there is a chance of lightning. Calm and clear weather is ideal for a safe and enjoyable trip on the water. Brady Yaks monitors weather conditions closely to ensure the safety of our guests.

3. Dress Appropriately

Wearing the right clothing is vital for a comfortable and safe kayaking experience. Opt for lightweight, moisture-wicking, and quick-drying materials. Avoid cotton, as it retains water and can make you cold. Wearing a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen will protect you from the sun’s harmful rays. In cooler weather, consider wearing a wetsuit or drysuit to stay warm. At Brady Yaks, we recommend dressing in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions.

4. Learn Basic Kayaking Techniques

If you’re new to kayaking, it’s essential to learn basic kayaking techniques before hitting the water. Familiarize yourself with paddling strokes, how to steer, and how to balance in the kayak. Taking a beginner’s kayaking course can significantly improve your skills and confidence. At Brady Yaks, our experienced guides provide comprehensive instruction to help you master the basics and enjoy a safe kayaking experience.

5. Stay Hydrated and Bring Snacks

Kayaking can be physically demanding, so it’s important to stay hydrated and energized. Bring plenty of water and some high-energy snacks to keep your strength up during your trip. Dehydration and low energy levels can affect your concentration and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents. Brady Yaks ensures that our tours include regular breaks for hydration and snacks to keep our guests refreshed.

6. Use the Buddy System

Never kayak alone. Using the buddy system adds an extra layer of safety, as you can watch out for each other and provide assistance if needed. If you’re kayaking in a group, make sure everyone stays together and maintains communication. Brady Yaks encourages group kayaking and offers guided tours to enhance your safety and enjoyment on the water.

7. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

The Indian River Lagoon is a beautiful and diverse ecosystem, but it’s essential to stay aware of your surroundings while kayaking. Watch out for other boats, wildlife, and potential hazards like submerged rocks or strong currents. At Brady Yaks, our guides are knowledgeable about the local environment and will help you navigate safely through the lagoon.

Book Your Tour With Brady Yaks Today!

Kayak tours are wonderful way to explore the natural beauty of the Indian River Lagoon. By following these kayaking safety tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure. At Brady Yaks, we are committed to providing our guests with the best kayaking experience possible, prioritizing safety and fun. Book your kayak or paddleboard tour with us today and embark on an unforgettable journey through Cocoa Beach, Merritt Island, and Cape Canaveral.

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